Amenhotep III and his Mother, Mutemwia, in a Kiosk, ca. 1390-1353 B.C. Facsimile painted by Nina de Garis Davies (1881-1965). Tempera on paper. Rogers Fund, 1915.
This facsimile painting copies the focal point of an offering scene in the tomb of an official (TT 226) at Thebes. It represents Amenhotep III enthroned beneath a kiosk. The king's mother Mutemwia stands behind him. Beneath the kiosk is a row of foreignors from Nubia and western Asia who praise the king with upraised arms. The name of the tomb owner is not preserved.
The facsimile was painted at the tomb in 1914 by Nina de Garis Davies for the Graphic Section of the Museum's Egyptian Expedition.